First, finish your profile

What are you looking for? We're eager to know.
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Where are you located?

So we can show pet lovers near you.
Don't worry! We'll never reveal your exact location.
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How much responsibilty are you looking for?

Let's get transparent
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Now, about the pet

We're eager to get to know her/him as well.
Is it kids friendly?
Select if it is
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What's its type?

Give us some details about your current pet.
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Now, show us your pet

We're sure he/she looks awesome.
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Set your profile picture

We take safety very seriously. So please pick a clear profile picture.
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Finally, write a short bio

We want to make sure people match with likeminded pet lovers.
0/50 characters
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Go premium now, 7 day free trial

Without a premium membership you can't chat with other users.
€12,50 billed quarterly
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24 hour customer service
30d money back guarantee
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€25,00 billed yearly
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24 hour customer service
30d money back guarantee
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"It's not just about the financial aspect; it's about entrusting someone to care for my pet as if it were their own"
